Giant African Millipedes
We house these on peat moss with dry rotted wood. We feed with organic vegetables so they can obtain water through their food, but substrate is otherwise kept dry. Leaf litter and partially rotted wood is recommended.
Avoid cork bark and coco fiber bedding, both may cause impaction when ingested.
We often observe the giant african millipedes mating, and we'll separate them from the group when mating is observed. We offer these as mated pairs.
We also offer sexed individuals, and unsexed individuals. Need a harem? Order a mated pair and add some females to your order.
Shipping is done via FedEx overnight. If you are in MN, WI, IA and western edge of ND, you can select the $7.50 shipping and it'll still arrive in 1 day. All shipping is free over $200.